Two-dog naps will do until summer arrives
Published 12:22 pm Thursday, March 29, 2007
By Staff
You don't know what living is all about until you've had a two-dog nap!
My friends at the Butts Hotel (aka Dowagiac Animal Hospital) know what it's all about. And they agree with my opinion.
As opposed to a three-dog night – a term used in Arctic climes to describe that it's so cold one needs three dogs to keep one warm through the night – a two-dog nap is a leisurely afternoon's nap with a dog on either side.
Snoring dogs! Dogs lying on their backs with feet in the air! And snoring!
My wonderful two-dog naps began on our red-letter day of Jan. 31.
Snow closed school that day. And what better day to visit the Cass County Animal Shelter?
For months Larissa (now an expert in scooting on heelies!) talked about wanting her own puppy. She'd saved money for a puppy. So, over to Cass we went – all of us two-legged family members.
We were pleasantly surprised to see a long-ago friend, Judy Brown, at the front desk.
Naomi and I knew Judy from days of yore when we all lived in Marcellus.
She patiently walked us through the adoption process.
Then we were ushered into the kennel area and lo and behold – there she was! A cute bundle of black and brown. Love at first sight!
So, Linsey came home with us. The very next day she learned the technique of napping with Dickens and me.
And it's continued and only grown better.
Linsey was about 2 months old then and weighed only about eight pounds.
Now at nearly 4 months, she weighs more than 20.
That cute bundle of black and brown is mostly Rottweiler.
I really don't care how big she gets. Larissa loves her. We love her. And she's an important addition to my afternoon naps.
My intimate friends and family all know how important these naps are to me.
They also know that dogs are a must.
Now, three of us snore and gurgle and make all sorts of imaginable and unimaginable noises for about an hour in the afternoon.
Dr. Dave Butts warned me that if everyone took my advice and followed my example of taking a two-dog nap, I would be out of business at The Family Center because all the world's problems would be solved.
You know – I think he's right.
So please, don't try this!
Don't nap with dogs!
Move through your day with fatigue, anxiety and disgruntlement.
Under NO circumstances try out a two-dog nap. It could be advantageous to your mental health and over all well- being.
The day is soon approaching, though, when Dickens and the young she-dog will push me off the bed and claim it for themselves.
Until then, I'll enjoy my naps with them – one on each side.
When I'm pushed off, I can always move out to the front porch to snooze in the balmy weather of summer.