Bowl for the Cure a huge success

Published 1:59 pm Monday, February 19, 2007

By Staff
NILES – The Niles USBC Women's Bowling Association and Joey Armadillo Bowling Center hosted the first Annual Bowl for the Cure Event on Saturday, Feb. 17. In what was thought to be just another bowling event, turned out to be anything but normal. A total of 120 Bowlers participated in threegames of 9-Pin/No Tap, had a fantastic time and raised over $6,000 for the cause!
There were live auctions, silent auctions, bowling ball raffles, prize raffles, 50/50 drawings and other prizes. Sponsor-A-Lane banners where previously purchased and hung above the lanes. All participants received T-shirts with the USBC Bowl for the Cure logo and the motto of "Together We Can Make a Difference" and on this day in Niles, they did!
Paula Lupina from the Southwestern Michigan Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation spoke to the bowlers and explained the importance of Mammograms and early detection. Paula is a Breast Cancer Survivor that was detected (according to doctors) 15 years prior to what she would have known without a Mammogram.
The Southwestern Michigan Affiliate ( covers Allegan, Berrien, Branch, Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, and Van Buren counties and will receive 75 percent of the $6,000 that was raised to help with local breast cancer research and prevention. The other 25 percent goes to the National level of the Susan G. Komen Foundation (
The Niles USBC Women’s Bowling Association would like to thank everyone who participated, donated and sponsored this event. Thanks to the generosity and the overwhelming amount of donations and sponsorships, we can not list all them individually. Without the support of everyone, events like this could never happen and Niles showed its support for the cause in a grand fashion!
Questions or comments can be directed to Chris Marlin, Event Coordinator of the Niles USBC WBA at