Federated Church severs 40-year tie with the UCC
Published 6:44 am Friday, February 16, 2007
By Staff
During a special congregational meeting Dec. 31, the members of The Federated Church, 202 Center St., Dowagiac, joined more than 200 other United Church of Christ (UCC) churches around the nation which have left the UCC since the 2005 General Synod meeting (see www.faithfulandwelcoming.org) by overwhelmingly voting to separate from the United Church of Christ.
The Federated Church is one of the oldest churches in Dowagiac, finding its roots in the First Congregational Church, established in 1849, and the First Baptist Church, founded in 1851.
The two churches joined in federation in 1918 and became affiliated with the UCC in May 1967.
This will not change The Federated Church outreach and involvement in the community.
It will continue to host vacation Bible school, provide Thanksgiving dinners to more than 250 people in the area, house Salvation Army/CURE of Cass County, contribute to a different cause each month and contribute to area charities and missions as in the past.
Its purpose, to proclaim and embody the Good News of Jesus Christ, remains the same, and everyone is still welcome to attend The Federated Church.