Nitz returns to agriculture committee

Published 10:10 am Wednesday, January 31, 2007

By Staff
LANSING – Rep. Neal Nitz will serve on three House committees for the 2007-2008 legislative session, House leaders announced Tuesday.
Nitz, who chaired the House Agriculture Committee last session, will return for a third time to the committee to help design and ensure good agricultural policy for Michigan.
"I am pleased to return to the agriculture committee, and know that my experience both as a farmer and former committee chair will give me the opportunity to ensure Michigan agriculture, the second largest industry in our state, thrives and grows," said Nitz, R-Baroda.
Nitz will also serve on the House Intergovernmental and Urban Affairs Committee and will return for a second term to the House Transportation Committee.
"It is an honor to once again represent the residents of the 78th House District, and I promise to do my very best to promote job growth and economic development for our state," Nitz said. "I have been trusted to serve in this position for more than four years now and it is my goal that before I leave office, Michigan will be headed in the right direction and our state will once again be home to a prosperous economy."
Nitz's Lansing office is Room 1097 of the Anderson House Office Building across from the Capitol. Nitz encourages residents to contact him toll free at (888) 373-0078 or through e-mail at