Prosecutor convicts 94% in circuit jury trials

Published 2:22 am Thursday, January 18, 2007

By Staff
CASSOPOLIS – The Cass County Prosecutor's Office completed 2006 with a 94-percent circuit court jury trial conviction rate – one of the highest in Michigan.
Prosecutor Victor Fitz commented Wednesday, "Felons need to know that when they commit a crime in Cass County we intend to bring them to justice."
Jury trial convictions last year included Jeremy Joseph and Aaron Whitman for their part in a dark and wintry Lawless Park rumble which left multiple persons bloodied, beaten, run over, shot and injured.
Joseph and Whitman were both sentenced to multiple years in prison for their offenses.
Other significant 2006 jury trial convictions included Marcellus methamphetamine magnate Randall Reeves and an array of other felony drug defendants, including Lonnie Williams, Brandy Jones, Keith Jones, Eric Stevens, Alan Hook, Torrian Lopez and Garret Hamminga.
Notably, Fitz's office posted a 100-percent felony drug defendant jury trial conviction rate for the third straight year.
Fitz attributed the success to solid police investigations as well as a hard working and dedicated assembly of assistant prosecutors and support staff.
"When a case is vigorously investigated and prepared for trial, the proper results will likely follow."
Singled out for their solid Circuit Court trial work during 2006 were Chief Assistant Jason Ronning and Drug Prosecutor Kenneth Bobo.
Fitz emphasized, "Victims and the community need to be protected. That is central to what we do."
Since arriving in Cass County in 2003, Prosecutor Fitz's office has secured an overall Circuit Court jury trial conviction rate of 92 percent.