A messy desk could mean a genius sits here
Published 1:32 am Friday, January 12, 2007
By Staff
I may have been vindicated.
I heard the other day an author talking about his new book. He had done research and discovered those whose desks are messy are often more creative and earn more money than those whose desks are extremely neat.
He even said discoveries have been made when pieces of paper were shuffled around a desk. Something was being sought, but an entirely different idea was found. If this is indeed true, then there is hope for me.
I usually get in trouble when I must clear my desk. Then I put things in a drawer and don't discover them again until it is too late to run an article about the chicken dinner or whatever, as the date has passed.
I am so much better when I can keep the coming items close at hand. This author is even worried about the future, as the way we work now doesn't show a progression of thought.
For example, he explained when an author in the past had handwritten notes, later scholars could follow their mistakes and corrections and actually see how their mind worked.
With the advent of computers, you erase mistakes and only keep the final product.
Many people probably have "to get organized" on their New Year's resolutions list.
From a press release which came by e-mail, I learned January is considered "Get Organized Month," started three years ago by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO).
Members of this organization present seminars to business people on getting organized and therefore getting more things done. They claim 15 to 30 percent of work time is spent looking for information, much of which is useless or non-existent.
Setting priorities and staying focused is what is important.
I do know I can be in the middle of looking for a phone number, spy another thing I forgot to do and shift gears, never to return to the original project.
I used to be a faithful list maker. I would number each item and cross them off when the task was completed.
Somewhere that stopped when the list just seemed too overwhelming. I was better off just trying to do one thing at a time, finishing it and then moving on to another project.
Did you know there is a National Soap and Detergent Association? This group claims "80 percent of the clutter in your home is a result of disorganization, not lack of space. Getting rid of excess clutter would eliminate 40 percent of the housework in the average home."
I think they are trying to tell us we have too much stuff! My son would probably agree.
He solved his cleaning problem, mainly cat hair, by purchasing a Roomba. Seeing this disk-shaped object run back and forth across his hardwood floors by itself, trapping all the dust bunnies and hair, was amazing.
This little cleaner goes back into its charging unit when done, or when it needs to be recharged. It remembers your furniture and you can even put up a virtual wall, if you want it to stay out of an area.
The part he must do is keep stuff from accumulating on the floor. Everything must be put away for the vacuum to do a good job.
I think I like the suggestion on my birthday card better.
We women need two men – one to do the cleaning and one to cook.