GOP women get word out

Published 10:23 am Thursday, September 21, 2006

By By MARCIA STEFFENS / Dowagiac Daily News
CASSOPOLIS – Margaret Stanley met Jane Abraham at the Cass County courthouse a long time ago, when she was campaigning for her husband "Spence," the former U.S. senator and Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham.
Wednesday, Stanley introduced Abraham to the Cass County Republican Women's Club members at campaign headquarters in the former Arby's building in Cassopolis.
Abraham has been supporting the Republican Party for 23 years, meeting her husband when she was political director for the party, she explained.
The other workers were "matchmakers behind my back," she said. Eventually they did fall in love and the Republican Women's Federation of Michigan actually threw them an engagement luncheon.
The couple have twin girls, Betsy and Julie and a son, Spencer.
The three areas on which Abraham spoke included national and state politics and what the women in attendance could do in the 50 days left before the November elections.
She is frustrated with the "gloom and doom" often portrayed and the "bad color lens we view things through.
She offered examples of how nationally the country has improved with higher reading and math scores, higher employment, lower abortion rate and increased freedom in the world.
Unfortunately Michigan does reflect the same positive improvements, she added, with lost jobs and many young people leaving the state.
"I can't remember a year when more is at stake for Michigan," she added, speaking of the coming governor and senator races.
She implored the women to help at the "grass roots level" and volunteer at one of the state's victory centers to "help get the message out."
In other business, Stanley reported the ice cream social netted $1,161 toward scholarships.
Coming events at the GOP headquarters include free hot dogs today, from 6 to 8 p.m. and a visit on Sept. 30 by Congressman Fred Upton and on Oct. 14 by State Senator Ron Jelinek.
The Cass County Republican Women's Club also elected and installed new officers. Becky Daniels succeeds Barb Guse as president. Other officers include: Tiffiny Vohwinkle, first vice president; Tina VanBelle, third vice president; Carolyn Murray, second vice president; Mary Henkel, recording secretary and Margaret Stanley, treasurer. Directors include: Miriam Bollweg, Ardith Higley, Bernie Williamson, Diane Leach and Patricia LaBre.
Those present received their oath of office and carnations from Nola Rae Batch, president of the Republican Women's Federation of Michigan.