Keep your possessions and your identity safe

Published 4:42 am Wednesday, August 9, 2006

By Staff
August is a time for fun in the sun for many vacationers.
In the few weeks before school starts, many families plan trips away from their family home.
Unfortunately, the same time they are hoping to enjoy a break, others are also planning a break – a break-in.
Where in previous years thieves took jewelry and electronic equipment which they could pawn for easy cash, a new item has been added to their search of your home.
Burglars could be looking to steal your identity and if your Social Security number and credit card information is available for them to find, you made it even easier for them.
More burglaries occur in the summer months of July and August, according to the FBI.
Though credit card fraud usually doesn't hold the victim liable for more than $50 and homeowners' insurance covers items which may have been stolen, still it is better to try to prevent the break-in from ever happening.
The following tips on preventing burglaries are offered by the Insurance Information Institute (III):
Keep your home well lit with exterior lights in your yard or on the house. Indoor lights may be put on a timer.
Make it harder for thieves to enter your home. Put dead-bolts on your window and doors to slow a burglar down.
Entry doors to your home and garage should be strong, made of metal or hardwood and be well fitted to the frame. Don't leave tools accessible which can use to break-in to your home.
Invest in a loud burglar alarm or contract with an alarm service.
Keep your valuables hidden, under lock and key. Also treat documents with your personal information as valuable.
Keep your computer disconnected from the Internet, so hackers can't seek your personal information.
Have your mail held at the post office and stop newspapers. A neighbor can check for fliers put into your newspaper tube.
Leave curtains and blinds in their normal position.
Make sure your lawn is still being cared for and someone checks your home.
Finally, don't tell everyone you meet about the fabulous trip you plan to take until you return.