Voluntary reductions needed

Published 3:51 am Wednesday, August 2, 2006

By Staff
Along with causing everyone a lot of discomfort, the prolonged heat wave in the Midwest can cause severe illness and even death.
Blackouts and power outages are to be avoided at all costs.
AEP Indiana Michigan Power (I&M) is requesting substantial reductions in electricity use.
The possibility exists for the region's electric power supply to be overtaxed during this intense heat wave.
Conservation efforts can help keep the air conditioners and fans running.
These actions can help the efforts:
Close blinds and curtains to keep out the sun and retain cooler air inside.
Postpone using major household appliances, such as stoves, ranges, dishwashers, washers and clothes dryers, during peak hours.
If health permits, set your air conditioner higher than usual. A setting of 78 to 80 is recommended.
Turn off unnecessary lights.
Turn off all non-essential equipment and appliances.
Reduce hot water consumption. Actually, a cool shower can keep you very refreshed for a long period of time.
Limit opening refrigerators and freezers.
Limit water consumption if you are on well water. Purchase bottled water for keeping hydrated.