A time to say thanks
Published 5:39 am Wednesday, April 12, 2006
By Staff
Traditionally April is more than just the month we groan and moan and send in our taxes to the IRS.
The week of April 23 is set aside to honor a valuable work force who don't have to pay taxes. These people complete jobs which would cause major organizations to cease, should they quit coming in to work.
These are the men and women and even youth who make up our volunteers. They are the ones who lead the Cub Scout meetings, drive the Meals on Wheels and pass out the cookies at the area blood drives.
Without these dedicated folks, the senior centers couldn't offer various classes, schools couldn't help those students who need a little more help than the teachers have time for.
The once-a-year recognition may include a cake or a plaque.
Their names are listed in the organization's newsletter.
Still this week that is set aside to acknowledge their work isn't what brings them back time and time again to help out.
Join with your community and thank those who help it run so smoothly. Thank the PTO president who plans the potluck to bring the school's parents together.
Give your child's scout leader a card showing you realize how much they mean to you by giving up their time away from their own family each week.
Tell those volunteers who you come in contact with how important they are.
That isn't why they do what they do either, but a thank you is always nice to hear.