Best parking left to customers
Published 4:04 am Monday, April 3, 2006
By Staff
NILES - A letter asking employees and residents of downtown Niles to avoid parking in certain areas has been released by Niles Main Street Downtown Development Authority.
Around 20 people who work or live in the downtown area gathered Tuesday, Feb. 28 at the Bell Building to discuss ways to keep the parking spots on and close to Main Street open for shoppers.
The group said they want to encourage anyone working or living in downtown to use city parking lots as often as possible.
But, Croteau said a small number of employees and business owners have been parking in Main Street spots that should be for consumers.
Niles Police Chief Ric Huff said the same night there is a city ordinance on the books that states vehicles are only allowed to park on Main Street for a maximum time of two hours. But, Huff added, without signs indicating the limits, the police department cannot enforce the policy.
Last week, the DDA sent out a letter with a map of downtown detailing where the best place for downtown employees and residents to park during business hours, which read as follows:
A meeting was held on Feb. 28 to discuss parking Downtown and it was the general consensus of those in attendance that Downtown Niles does not have a parking problem … it has an employee parking problem.
As a Downtown business owner or employee, you are part of a unique environment that is at the heart of the Niles Community. You are one of hundreds of employees working in the Downtown district and your contributions to the Downtown are valued and appreciated.
There are plenty of theories on what makes a downtown thrive, but the only thing that ultimately matters is whether or not people shop there. Making that happen is tricky business, especially in these mall-fixated times. Not only does the product have to be desirable and the service good, the prices have to be reasonable and the atmosphere has to be welcoming.
Parking is one of the first experiences a person has when coming to Downtown Niles. Convenient and affordable parking is considered a sign of welcome, and Downtown Niles is fortunate to have ample convenient, free parking. Our problem is that the most convenient spaces are often occupied for two or more hours by an employee of the district, not by a customer.
Recent studies have shown the value of a parking space ranges from $5,000 to $20,000 to downtown businesses.
As we work together to revitalize our downtown, please be courteous to your fellow merchants. During prime business hours - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - parking spaces on Main Street and the spaces one block off Main Street north to Sycamore Street and south to Cedar Street serve everyone best if used by downtown customers, not downtown employees.
The Downtown Parking Map indicates in red the location of Downtown's municipally owned lots with spaces designated for day-long parking and preferred employee parking.
In green are the spaces best used for customer parking.
All day parking is conveniently located within 750 feet of every business in the district.
If you have questions or concerns, call Lisa Croteau, Program Manager of Niles Main Street at 687-4332.