Play tennis for health and fun

Published 3:05 am Tuesday, March 28, 2006

By Staff
The Lakeland Athletic Club is doing something amazing for area children and adults. Thanks to the help of many area businesses, Lakeland is able to offer a very affordable six-week tennis clinic.
The Junior Tennis Clinic is taking place right now, but another will be held this summer, giving area kids a chance to learn the basics and fundamentals of the game.
The Tennis clinic drew in 110 area children, the largest tennis clinic this area has ever seen. The children are instructed by Cassopolis High School tennis coach Scott Marshall, Buchanan High School assistant tennis coach Janie Colton and Mark Ficks and Dave Campbell, both of the Lakeland Athletic Club.
Participants learn the basic fundamentals of the game of tennis, receive t-shirts, which were made by Unique Designs and are given a pizza party, thanks to Richs Pizzaria.
Don't waste anytime getting your child involved in this very affordable and fun clinic. The Summer Junior Team Tennis League will begin on June 21 and will run on Wednesday evenings. This is a six-week clinic, with classes meeting once a week. This is for children ages 7-17. The cost is $40 per child or $70 per family.
Registration deadline is June 14.
The Beginner Adult Tennis Clinic will be held for six-weeks and begin on April 3. The cost of this league is $40 per person, or $70 for a married couple. Classes will meet from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Monday evenings.
For more information on these leagues, or to get registered, please call the Lakeland Athletic Club at 684-8030.