Brandywine board seats open in May election
Published 2:15 pm Tuesday, January 10, 2006
By Staff
NILES - Brandywine Community Schools Superintendent Gary Rider announced that January is National Board Recognition Month. To salute the Brandywine Board of Education Members, the school district will hold a reception in their honor prior to the Jan. 23 regular board meeting.
Board elections
The Annual Board Election for the Brandywine Community Schools is scheduled for May 2. Two board seats will be open on the ballot. Nominating petitions are available in the Superintendent's Office, 1830 South Third St., and the Niles Township Office, 320 Bell Road. The deadline for returning petitions is Feb. 7, at 4 p.m., and should be returned to the Niles Township Office.
Contracted Employee at Bell Education Center
The Board approved the hiring of former Brandywine Alternative Education Teacher Judy Boecher-Frey, as the district's new part-time alternative and adult education director for Bell Education Center. She is being hired through a contracting firm, Excalibur Personnel, near Lansing. Her contract runs from Jan. 1 of this year through June 30 of 2007.
Judy Boecher-Frey, a 30-year alternative education veteran, retired from Brandywine Community Schools in 2004, but has been substitute teaching ever since. Her most recent assignment was a permanent substitute teacher in alternative education at the Bell Education Center.
Teacher recall
Due to staffing changes with the Brandywine Alternative and Adult Education Programs, the district will recall laid off Alternative Education Teacher Doug Mappin to employment for the remainder of the 2005/2006 school year.