Emerald ash borers affect Berrien Co.
Published 5:11 am Tuesday, November 15, 2005
By Staff
PAW PAW - Emerald ash borers (EAB) are an exotic beetle from Asia that feed on all species of ash trees.
Its life cycle habits kill its host ash tree.
Michigan Department of Agriculture has confirmed an EAB infestation in Van Buren County, near 70th Street and Red Arrow Highway in Hartford Township.
This infestation affects both Van Buren and Berrien counties.
Van Buren County's quarantine includes all of the City of Hartford and City of Watervliet and Bangor, Covert, Hartford and Watervliet townships.
Anyone who has ash trees as landscape trees or in woodlots in these areas is affected by the EAB infestation quarantine.
Learn how to help stop the spread of EAB.
Beth Clawson, natural resources educator from MSU Extension in Van Buren County is offering an educational program about EAB set for 7 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 1, at the Lawrence Conference Center in Lawrence.
This is free and open to anyone interested in knowing more about EAB, what it does and what to expect now that it has been found in Van Buren County.
EAB was first discovered in July of 2002 feeding on ash trees in southeastern Michigan. The larvae feed in the cambium layer between the bark and the wood. It produces serpentine or “s” shaped galleries that eventually girdle and kill branches and the tree. The adult beetles are a bright metallic green and small, about 1/2 inch long. They emerge from the trees as adults beginning in June; leaving “D” shaped exit holes in the bark.
Michael Hansen, a representative from the Michigan Department of Agriculturewill be present to answer questions about the quarantine and what to expect in the future. Beth Clawson from Michigan State University Extension will be present to discuss the insect, how it affects ash trees and its threat to the environment. Other topics discussed will be the ban on moving firewood and what to do if you suspect that your ash trees are infested with EAB.
For more information about the Emerald Ash borer, contact Van Buren County MSU Extension Office at 269-657-7745 or visit http://www.emeraldashborer.info. If you suspect you may have an EAB infestation, you should contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture at 1-866-325-0023.