Maybe help is on its way

Published 5:48 pm Wednesday, November 9, 2005

By Staff
If you have read the fine print on some of your monthly bills lately, you may have noticed an increase tacked on at the end for higher fuel costs.
The additional costs which are being seen with the gasoline prices, trash companies and other services which rely on trucks or other vehicles are passing on the increase to homeowners.
With a predication of heating costs going up this fall and winter, many who live on fixed incomes are facing problems getting through the season.
We applaud U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, who this week introduced legislation to provide immediate $500 cash rebates to help Michigan families.
She mentions oil companies are reporting record profits, while families are paying an average of 36 percent more for a gallon of gas and natural gas and propane are showing huge jumps in price.
She is also concerned to stop price-gouging and price-fixing by oil companies and she has launched an investigation to look into bad practices.
The Stabenow bill would also ask Congress to fully fund the program to give seniors and low-income families home heating assistance.
We support the senator's efforts and hope her fight for middle class families will be enacted and provide some relief to this winter's rising heating costs.