The most important issue is to vote

Published 5:00 pm Thursday, November 3, 2005

By Staff
Freedom of speech and thought is one of our most precious liberties.
Unfortunately, not everyone respects this freedom.
We had a sign in our front yard that promotes a yes vote for SMC's millage.
The other day our sign, as were other signs on our street, was pulled up and thrown on the ground.
This is not the first time that political signs have been uprooted in our yard.
When this happens, my freedom of speech is denied.
It's upsetting that someone trespassed on my property and, for a time, silenced my thoughts and opinions - thoughts and opinions I have the right to express.
Along the same line, some of my psychology students (from Marcellus High School) at SMC stated that an individual's car was “bologna-ed” because a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker was still on the car.
I was not familiar with this term and asked them to explain.
It's simple enough - a slice of bologna is slapped onto the side of the car, ruining the paint.
Again, the right to free speech, thought and opinion is diminished.
What prompts people to do this?
While there are many theories, I believe that freedom is violated by people who do not feel connected to the community and who don't have a sense of belonging to society.
I also believe that anger fuels this behavior.
And close-mindedness also plays a part.
While I have very firm political beliefs, I do not tromp on the beliefs of others.
I will argue and debate while still respecting the other person's opinions.
I also expect others to respect mine.
Tuesday we have the freedom of going to the polls and voting.
This is the opportunity to express our personal beliefs and opinions.
It's interesting (and sad) that many do not exercise their right to vote.
It's also interesting how many gripe and complain after an election, even if they didn't vote.
There have been many articles in the Dowagiac Daily News concerning the issues at stake in Tuesday's election - the race for city mayor and council members as well as the millage for SMC.
I have read pros and cons and made my informed decision about how I will vote.
Perhaps your decision will be different from mine - that's to be expected and respected.
The important issue is to vote.
By the way, the sign that was in our front yard is now inside our porch, visible through the screen, where it should be safe from vandals.