Dr. Rogers dispells myths of the Black Bear at Fernwood
Published 9:15 pm Tuesday, September 27, 2005
By Staff
NILES - On Saturday, Oct. 8, from 3 to 4 p.m. Fernwood Nature Center will present the legendary bear researcher Dr. Lynn Rogers' presentation, "Black Bears: Dispelling the Myth."
Dr. Rogers has studied black bears for more than 22 years, leading many to call him the Jane Goodall of the bear world. He has spent countless hours in the woods with bears, forming relationships with free-ranging individuals that allowed him to observe in detail their social organization, vocalizations, ecology, and much more. He has even shared den time with a sleeping bear in winter.
With most people holding misconceptions about bears, Dr. Rogers is using his research and experiential stories to educate people about the true nature of these magnificent creatures. As people move farther and farther out into the country and as bear habitat decreases, more individuals are encountering bears; Dr. Rogers wants to help people learn to understand, appreciate, and safely coexist with bears. More information on Dr. Rogers and his research can be found at {www.bearstudy.org}.
For his program at Fernwood, Dr. Rogers presents an audio, video, and visual tour of the world of the black bear. Learn the truth about these beautiful mammals and enjoy insight from a man who has lived with bears!
Registration costs $8 for Fernwood members, a 20 percent discount over the public price. All children 12 and under pay $5 each. To register, call Claryce at ext. 211.
Contact Fernwood for registration and information at (269) 695-6491.
Fernwood is located near Buchanan, Michigan. Take US 31 to Walton Road, exit 7. Go west 1.7 miles, then north on Range Line Road.