Rumors identified as just rumors
Published 8:15 pm Tuesday, September 20, 2005
By By ERIN VER BERKMOES / Niles Daily Star
NILES - Residents of Niles may have heard rumors about Niles Township signing contracts with the Berrien County Sheriff's Department to take over its policing, but those rumors were put to rest at Monday night's Niles Township Board meeting.
Ringler stated the board hopes to have update on the township's police department on its next meeting agenda. That meeting will be on Monday, Oct. 3, at 7 p.m. at the Niles Township Hall, 320 Bell Road.
In other business, the board approved the rezoning of a 2.63 acre parcel of land located at 2147 S. Third St., which is owned by the Brenner Oil Company.
The Niles Township Board also approved the application of Robson Farms to have a parcel of 112 acres of cultivated land located just past the end of Hatfield Road, which used to be part of the old Villwock Farm into the open farm land/open space land preservation program through the state.
Finally the Board approved four resolutions of special assessments for the taxes to be collected by the township for the 2006-2007 tax year.
For the general fund $260,302.94, which is .8798 mills, will be collected. For the fire department operation and maintenance fund $688,497.59, with 2.5 mills on the assessed value of property in the township. For the fire capital improvement fund, $275,399, which is one mill on the assessed value will be collected and on the light district funds, $29,892.62 will be collected from the different street light districts within the township.