It’s time to join a YMCA league

Published 8:13 pm Tuesday, September 20, 2005

By Staff
Don't miss your chance at signing your child up for the Niles-Buchanan YMCA girls basketball league.
This is where your future star will get his or her start learning the fundamentals of the game.
All registrations will be taken at the YMCA until this Friday. After Sept. 23, there will be a $10 late fee. Late registrations will not be guaranteed any particular team. Fees are to be paid when the registration form is turned into the YMCA.
Financial Assistance is available to those who qualify. Registration forms may be picked up at the YMCA.
All games will be played on Saturday's from Oct. 8 – Nov. 19.
The league is for girls in grades 3-6. The cost is $15 for YMCA members, $25 for non members.
Looking to get yourself in shape this fall or just want to be involved in a competitive league?
Sign up for the recreational volleyball or singles and pairs racquetball leagues. These leagues are for individuals 18 years of age or older.
The first game for the recreational volleyball league is Oct. 11 and competitive league is Oct. 13. Racquetball league starts Oct. 17.
Registration deadline for volleyball is Sept. 26, Oct. 5 for racquetball.
If you have any questions about any of these leagues, please contact the YMCA at 683-1552.