Time flies at the same time it’s hardly moving

Published 4:14 pm Wednesday, August 24, 2005

By Staff
Sometimes I believe my "Total Woman" roots haven't completely vanished.
That book from the 70s has caused an unrealistic model to follow.
As I try to juggle wedding plans for my two youngest, continue my work load and housekeeping duties, I find things having to slide.
Unfortunately, what is sliding is very evident as dog hair grows along the floor of my home and wastebaskets remain unemptied.
I am not saying men don't have many responsibilities. It is just the work load of women seems to tip the scales.
As I was trying to think about what to write for today I figured I have been writing columns weekly now for about 15 years. That is at least 50 columns a year or 750 times I have opened up myself to all.
I feel as though I have told all my readers about my life in great detail and that of my family and even pets.
When I have a passion about a subject, the writing comes swiftly, but when I am unable to think of a topic or idea, the process is painfully slow. Unfortunately the turning of the press doesn't wait for me to become inspired.
I envy the syndicated columnists who have to only write a column a few days a week. They also don't have to have one ready before they go on vacation. The syndicate just substitutes another writer for those weeks.
I have sympathy for radio announcers who also deal with empty space which they must fill every day. Coming up with new and fresh ideas to talk about must also be extremely difficult.
Well my passion this week is limited to planning how to alter my daughter's wedding dress, without ruining it and whether I have remembered the list of my duties as mother of the bride.
As soon as her big day passes, I move on to my son's, planning where I will stay in Maine, my route, which may include a trip through Canada and most importantly what is to be their wedding gift.
No, I take that back. How to pay for the above may end up being most important.
Seriously I sometimes marvel at how slow and quick time can be simultaneously.
I feel I have been waiting a long time for my children to be marriaged and produce the grandchildren every mom thinks she is entitled to spoil, and yet, these years have also seemed to fly by.
Can I really be this old to have my babies getting married?
I know I will survive the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience. I also appreciate all the comments on their engagement announcements, which I have to twist their arms to allow to be published.