Where will the rise in oil pricing end?

Published 6:54 am Wednesday, August 17, 2005

By Staff
If every business had the quick knee-jerk reaction which the oil companies seem to have, American businesses would be hiking their prices up and down with every sway of the wind.
Is it possible that the gasoline which you are filling your tank with on Tuesday is the same gasoline which the company purchased at a higher rate that morning? It is rather doubtful.
At the height of the summer vacation time families are debating if their plans for a trip across America need to be canceled. Airlines are raising rates, also due to the higher cost of fuel. School boards are worried as to whether after-school activities will have to be curtailed in the coming year, again due to the higher cost of running the buses.
Those whose occupation involve sales or deliveries are seeing their normal salaries eaten away every time they fill up their vehicle. Even those whose basic route to work and back never varies are also feeling the crunch as their income must stretch all that much further.
This week prices in neighboring towns and villages varied in gasoline pricing by 30 cents at the same hour of the day.
A gallon of gas costs 69 cents more today than it did a year ago.
Will this yo-yo and constant changing of the numbers on the stations' billboards ever cease?
It looks as though America's taxpayers must again tighten their belts as they pay more and more for the simple act of getting to work and school.
Maybe it is time for our administration to realize the impact these rising prices of gas have on the voting public, before it is too late for their own sake and the sake of the public, who must compensate some way or another.