A voice speaking for humane treatment
Published 5:00 pm Thursday, August 4, 2005
By Staff
Working behind the scenes and sometimes in front of Congress, the Society for Animal Protective Legislation has been busy speaking for those who cannot for the last 50 years,
Along with securing legislation to reduce animal suffering, the Society has also insisted on strong regulations and enforcement of the laws it helped see pass.
In 1958, the Humane Slaughter Act saw methods to reduce livestock suffering in its last hours. An amendment was added in 1978, improving the original legislation.
The Laboratory Animal Welfare Act has also seen additional amendments since its original passing in 1966. It sets minimum standards of care and housing for dogs, cats, primates, hamsters and guinea pigs by animal dealers and laboratories.
The Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act in 1971 was to protect the wild herds as "an integral part of the public land ecosystem." Also marine mammals in our oceans were protected the next year,
Many endangered species, such as the bald eagle to the American alligator, might have ceased to exist if it weren't from aid of the Society.
Dolphins, apes and many wild birds have also benefited from legislation and controls.
The most recent legislation just this year has been the Captive Wildlife Safety Act which prohibits the interstate transport of exotic big cats, including tigers, lions, leopards, cheetahs, cougars and jaguars, which some believe should be pets.
The Society should be praised for its work which preserves our animal kingdom for future generations.