Police issue decided with Tuesday’s vote

Published 12:08 pm Thursday, July 28, 2005

By By ERIN VER BERKMOES / Niles Daily Star
NILES - The vote is less than one week away.
In just five days, Niles Township voters will be heading to the poles to decide whether or not to continue the funding of the township's police department.
Township citizens are being asked to approve a two mill levy which would help to fund its police department.
The polls will be open on Tuesday, Aug. 2 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Currently the township doesn't have enough in their general funds budget to keep the department running without the approval of the millage.
If the millage doesn't pass, then the township will be forced to disband the department and then contract out policing services.
Those voting in precinct one will place their votes at the Fairland Church, located at 1881 River Bluff Road.
Residents in precinct two will vote at Oak Manor School, located at 1 Tyler Street.
Precinct three will vote at Brandywine Junuior/Senior High School, located at 1700 Bell Road, with precinct four voting at Brandywine Elementary, located at 2428 S. 13th St.
Precinct five voters will head to Morris Farm Fire Station, located at 2001 Morris Drive, to cast their vote.
If a voter is unsure in what precinct they are located they can contact the Niles Township Clerk's office at 684-0870.