No police coverage in Niles Township is not an option

Published 10:35 am Tuesday, July 19, 2005

By By ERIN VER BERKMOES / Niles Daily Star
NILES - Whether the Aug. 2 millage is voted down or not, Niles Township residents will have police coverage.
At the Niles Township meeting Monday evening the board addressed the Niles Concerned Citizens group, which is working to pass the millage in order to continue police coverage by the township's own police department.
Tammy Youngs, a Niles Township resident who is a member of the Niles Concerned Citizens group said, "We felt as if we were being falsely accused. Our signs are not misleading. We have used only information we were given by the board to create our signs."
Youngs added, "The board members have said themselves if the millage doesn't pass then eventually there will be no money to even contract out the services."
The group is continuing their campaign of getting out and talking to the voters of Niles Township to gain their support and putting up signs for the millage.
Also at Monday night's meeting, Sue Millin, also a member of the concerned citizens group, questioned trustee Richard Noble about whether he would be willing to display a sign supporting the millage in his yard, Young said.
Niles Township voters will be going to the polls on Aug. 2 to vote on millage for 2 mills, which would help to finance the police department for the next four years.
If the millage is defeated then the township would then contract out policing services with an outside agency.