Chicago’s reggae pioneers returning to Fun Fest July 28

Published 2:44 am Friday, July 15, 2005

By Staff
Chicago's reggae pioneers and founding members of the acclaimed Gypsi Fari Band return to the Grand Old City for their third appearance at the Dowagiac Fun Fest July 28-30.
Vickie Phillipson, program director of the Greater Dowagiac Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Development Authority (DDA) who coordinated this year's 20th-annual summertime bash, said she is pleased to host members of the Reggae Boyz, which is a spin-off on the Gypsi Fari Band that is said to be one of the hottest reggae bands to emerge from the Chicago music scene.
International recording artists Vincent Huckaby, Floyd Donaldson, LeRoy Webster and David Smith will open what Phillipson terms main stage entertainment at the Haggin-Wimberley Bandstand on Thursday, July 28, performing from noon to 5 p.m.
The three-day festival features more than 45 hours of vocal, instrumental and specialty entertainment, with performances occurring at two downtown locations, including Beckwith Park and beneath the new Children's Entertainment Tent at Beeson and Depot Drive.
The five-hour performance by the Reggae Boyz, which is open free of charge to the public, is being underwritten through a fine arts grant the Downtown Development Authority received from the St. Denys Foundation.
Phillipson said this is the third year for the St. Denys Foundation to provide funding assistance to the festival.
In addition to St. Denys and the fine arts grant received from the Michigan Gateway Community Foundation, the three-day summertime bash is being underwritten by the following corporate sponsors: Drs. Charles Burling and Jonathan Gillesby, Creative Vinyl Signs, Felpausch Food Center, Franklin and Son, Leader Publications, Mennel Milling Co. of Michigan, Southwestern Michigan College and Wolverine Mutual Insurance Co.
She said when members of the Reggae Boyz are joined by a second vocalist, they are then known as Gypsi Fari.
Bass player Vince Huckaby will be joined by lead vocalist Leroy Webster, percussionist Floyd Donaldson and drummer David Smith for the Fun Fest performance.
Appearing as the Gypsi Fari Band, they traveled the world and recorded at the Tuff Gong Studios in Kingston with the legendary Bob Marley and the Wailers.
Receiving the kind of acclaim that Jamaica usually reserves for only the best of that country's home-grown artists, they have also toured with such top-flight bands as Steel Pulse, Third World, Culture, Bearing Spear and Gil-Scott Heron.
Music critics have found that the Gypsi Fari and the Reggae Boyz band members are as strong today as ever.
Their 1997 CD "From the Mountain Top," featured a positive message of love and unity that appeals to reggae fans around the world.
Later, with their August 2002 CD release of Future Child, the artists stretched their sound even further, featuring a host of special guests with an offering of various musical styling.
Phillipson said this year's Fun Fest features approximately 45 hours of live vocal and instrumental music; amusement rides and midway of Family Fun Tyme; Starwalk children's games; the Vertical Challenge Climbing Wall; summer sidewalk sales with community, commercial and craft booths; festival food court; and the 31st anniversary of Steve's 5K and 10K Run, 5K Walk and its Children's Fun Run.
New this year, with Dowagiac Little League hosting the Senior League State Boys Baseball Tournament that weekend, the opening ceremony and dinner for tournament families will be held at the festival site on Thursday evening, July 28.
Advance, discounted tickets for children's amusement rides are now on sale at the Chamber of Commerce office, located in the train depot, and at McDonald's Restaurant.
To obtain a full schedule of events or to register for sidewalk booth space, call the Chamber of Commerce at 269/782-8212.