Niles blooms with cooperation

Published 2:58 am Saturday, May 28, 2005

By Staff
NILES - A big thank you has been sent out to everyone involved with decorating downtown Niles with colorful flowers.
Those who deserve thanks include: Donna Ochenryder and her husband, Gregg Baker, Toni Smith, Lucy Smith, Patty Eycleshymer, Chickie Landgraf, Martha Branson-Banks and Community Volunteers: Jeanne Renken, Barb Magrane, Luanne Hargreaves and Ann Raster, also the trustees from the Berrien County Jail.
According to Croteau, there are approximately 30 planters left that can be sponsored for $35 each. The flowers will be included in the price and God's Green Earth, who provided the plants, will also water and take care of them during the summer months. The $35 donation also includes a brushed aluminum label displaying a message from the contributor. For more information, call Croteau at 687-4332.