City to allow tree trimming
Published 12:46 am Tuesday, May 10, 2005
By By RANDI K. PICKLEY / Niles Daily Star
NILES - The moratorium recently placed on Asplundh and I and M Power on trimming of trees near electric lines in the Niles community has ended.
Mayor McCauslin and City Administrator Terry Eull held two prior sessions with the companies to work out a viable plan that would best accommodate both the needs of the residents and the requirements of the power companies. A compromise was reached that allowed city employees to accompany the trimming crews while on site, with the city representatives having the final decision if any issue couldn't be agreed upon.
For privately owned trees, the power company representatives have agreed to meet with those residents face-to-face instead of just leaving tags on their doors. If the company cannot reach the owners, they may trim the trees in question, but may not remove them.
A motion was made and approved Monday evening to lift the moratorium in light of the compromises agreed upon, yet still retaining the right to reinstate the moratorium if the company's progress is not satisfactory.
Lisa Croteau of the Downtown Development Authority-Main Street discussed plans for the plants and hanging baskets that line the downtown area. Croteau assured the board that God's Green Earth, who designed the specifications, will not be the only bid considered.
The council approved $2,750 for painting the Riverfront Park Amphitheater and also a request from the Utilities Department for a drive-up security payment drop-box.
Also considered was the award of an asphalt pavement resurfacing contracts well as the adoption of a resolution to bring the millage rates to the maximum allowed and the adoption of a resolution to sell a portion of the property at Fifth and Wayne streets to the Michigan Department of Transportation. All proposals were approved.