Eighth grade girls write winning essays at Central
Published 12:36 pm Friday, March 4, 2005
By By JOHN EBY / Dowagiac Daily News
Three Central Middle School girls have been named local winners in the 36th annual "America and Me" essay contest sponsored by Farm Bureau Insurance.
The three students, who earned first-, second- and third-place awards for their school are: Shelby Willis, first; Elizabeth Kolden, second; and Elizabeth Phillips, third.
All three receive award certificates for their achievement on the 2004-2005 contest topic, "My American Hero."
Shelby wrote about the people of 9/11. Elizabeth Kolden wrote about her mother, Patti. Elizabeth Phillips, wrote about her friend, Maurice Laraby, 12, the Patrick Hamilton sixth grader who perished with his brother Michael, 8, in a Jan. 7, 2003, house fire on Orchard Street.
As Central's first-place winner, Shelby's name will be engraved on a plaque for permanent display in the school.
Shelby's first-place essay advances to state-level competition, from which the top 10 essays in Michigan will be selected.
The top 10 statewide winners, who will be announced in April, will receive plaques, cash and U.S. savings bonds valued from $500 to $1,000.
In addition, the top 10 essayists will be honored at a Lansing banquet, meet with top Michigan governmental leaders and be the featured guests at a Lansing Lugnuts minor league baseball game dedicated in their honor.
A team of finalist judges that includes a top Michigan government official and the sponsoring teachers of last year's top two statewide winners, will determine the ranking of the top 10 statewide winners this year.
Several thousand eighth grade students from more than 500 Michigan schools participated in the 2004-2005 America and Me essay contest conducted with the help of Farm Bureau insurance agents across the state.
Started in 1968 and open to all Michigan eighth grade students, the contest encourages Michigan youngsters to explore their roles in America's future.
As sponsor of the contest, Farm Bureau Insurance has earned 11 national awards from the Freedom Foundation at Valley Forge.