Marlin rolls 22 straight strikes

Published 3:58 pm Saturday, February 12, 2005

By Staff
Jerry Marlin Jr. recently bowled his first 300 game at Joey Armadillo's Bowling center.
He's one of many bowlers who have reached the high rollers mark at the recently renovated bowling center.
Marlin's 22 strikes in a row led to the perfect game. He bowled his first 10 strikes in a row in the first game and continued the next 12 in a row into the second game.
Marlin has also bowled in a few National Tournaments in Syracuse, New York and Albuquerque, New Mexio, but admits they were more difficult than bowling around here.
Marlin is no stranger to bowling. He got his start when he was 12, bowling in junior leagues around Niles.
When he was 18 he joined the adult leagues, playing on several different ones. He now bowls at Joey Armadillo's on the Wednesday night mens league.