SMC’s Maryanne Arena taking new role in N.Y.
Published 8:35 pm Thursday, September 2, 2004
By Staff
Southwestern Michigan College President Dr. David Mathews announced today the resignation of theater instructor Maryanne Arena.
Arena has accepted a position as head of the fine and performing arts department at Genesee Community College in Batavia, N.Y., her home state.
According to Mathews, "We are sorry to see Maryanne go. She has been a valuable member of our fine and performing arts instructional team.
Arena joined SMC in 1999 as both a theater instructor and director of theater productions.
According to Mathews, 1999 was the year that the college committed itself to expanding performing arts programs.
Performing arts at SMC include an instrumental music program directed by Dr. Jonathan Korzun, a choral music program directed by Dr. Robert Briggs, a dance program directed by Beth LaBaren-Root, and a theater program currently directed by Arena.