Cass County considers ban on smoking

Published 1:58 am Friday, April 18, 2003

By By MARCIA STEFFENS / Niles Daily Star
CASSOPOLIS -- With the opening of the new Law and Courts Building and the E-911 Central Dispatch Facility coming this summer, the 15 members of the Cass County Board of Commissioners were divided Thursday on whether smoking areas should be provided.
A resolution was introduced which would require the buildings and the premise to remain non-smoking, with smoking only allowed in private vehicles.
Commissioner Minnie Warren, D-Pokagon Township, agreed with Proctor. "We need to pay someone to clean up and it's tracked inside."
Commissioner Carl Higley, R-Ontwa Township, said, "I agree completely with the resolution," which on rereading the commissioners realized would eliminate the picnic table smoking area from the courthouse upon the opening of the two new facilities.
A vote was called by Bob Wagel, R-Wayne Township, with six against the resolution including, Jack Teter, Kitchen, Bruce Butchbaker, Alan Northrop, Dave Taylor and Jim Sayer.
But apparently due to confusion about what they were actually voting on, the resolution will come up again at the next commissioners' meeting on May 1.
Attending the meeting were new Undersheriff Rick Behnke, introduced by Sheriff Joe Underwood;and state Rep. Rick Shaffer, R-Three Rivers, who is looking forward to being in Cass County at the Support the Troops Rally on April 27.
In other business the board:
It is the biggest program in the state for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Stover said, which donated money along with Lowe's hardware.