Brandywine teachers are not being valued

Published 9:34 am Friday, October 9, 2015

Education is a critical foundation for success. Teachers are the primary architects of this foundation.

In every field, an essential part of attracting and keeping good employees is paying good wages and offering good benefits. Education is no exception.

The message of good wages and benefits is “We value what you’re doing and want you to continue doing it.” The message of low wages and benefits is the opposite.

Currently, the Brandywine School Board is sending a strong “We don’t value you” message. During the past nine years Brandywine teachers have received average salary increases of 1.1 percent, while the average cost of living has gone up 2.2 percent. During this same period of time the school district’s fund equity (money in the bank, not being spent on education) has doubled, from 16 percent to 32 percent of revenues. The State of Michigan recommends that schools maintain fund equity balances of 15 to 20 percent.

The teachers of Brandywine deserve a new contract, with appropriate compensation. The school board has the money to pay for a fair and just contract, but they prefer to continue hoarding that money, rather than spending it on improving education. Enough is enough. It’s time for the school board to recognize that good education requires good teachers, and good teachers deserve good salaries and benefits.


Larry Feldman
