Trivia night to help fund local youth group’s mission trip

Published 9:26 am Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Submitted photo This picture was taken at the youth group’s mission trip from 2013.

Submitted photo
This picture was taken at the youth group’s mission trip from 2013.

Are you smarter than a fifth-grader?

Find out during the Niles First Presbyterian Church’s “So You Think You’re Smarter Than A Fifth Grader” trivia night Saturday, April 18.

Doors open at 6 p.m. and the event starts at 7 p.m. in the church’s fellowship hall, located at 13 S. 4th St., Niles.

The church’s Everything’s Possible in Christ (EPIC) youth group will use proceeds raised during trivia night to fund a mission trip to Wheeling, West Virginia, this summer.

There, EPIC will visit the Laughlin Memorial Chapel, a faith-based, non-profit community center that offers enrichment programs for youth in the community. Approximately 10-15 EPIC members are expected to go on the trip.

“The group has been working hard since the fall to raise money for their trip,” said Nancy Clark, of First Presbyterian Church. “Their efforts are an excellent example of how youth can contribute positively to their own community and beyond.”

Tables are $100 for a team of eight to 10 people. Beverages, popcorn and desserts will be sold. Teams can bring their own snacks.

A grand prize of $100 will be awarded to the best team. Tables can be reserved by contacting Arlene at 684-2858 or Tables will also be available that night.