Strokes of genius require brushes

Published 9:38 am Friday, January 23, 2015

Having a vision is a form of art and there are those blessed with the ability to see further than others, in vivid colors and minute detail. Art, however, is as much discipline as creativity. Visionaries may imagine the artwork but it is the hand wielding the brush that completes the canvas.

It was Vincent Van Gogh who stated, “I dream my painting, and then I paint my dream.”

How simply put but profoundly insightful. It strikes at the core of dreamers and doers. Many can dream the dream but not everyone picks up the brush and paints it.

It is not a matter of being unable to, because as a good friend of mine has a penchant for saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way, baby!” She is right. Anyone can do but it takes the flame of courage and the slow burning coals of tenacity to manifest vision’s spark. It takes a union of creative genius embracing disciplined labor.

Perhaps this is the hardest role in life as an individual and thus we form communities. We create human bonds to unite the dreamers with the doers to paint the dream. For there are some who are visionaries, some who are doers, a few who are the combined creators of masterpieces. These souls are rare and often never see the delight of future generations cherishing the completed canvas, warming their hands near the glowing embers.

Is this the crux of stagnation in our society, our community? The need for instant gratification, the desire for fame and fortune taking precedence over the joy of co-creation?

Are there too many visionaries without brushes? Are there too few doers with a dream? Is the fire of creative expression and passion just a cold hearth of soot and ash?

There are days, moments and scenes that reflect this to be true but then there is the overheard voice speaking excitedly about the dream for the courthouse or goal for new business, the work roughened hands pulling weeds and planting roses, the children asking for a skatepark and a place to swim. They are everywhere in our neighborhoods and schools; the visionaries and the doers.

We don’t have to wait for the rare master of both who may or may not show up in our village but we do need a forum to bring both eyes and hands together. We must create the opportunity for the dreamer to dance with the doers. Fortunately, we have, through the breaking of bread.

The dream manifests when we come together as family, sharing the ideas, working together to make them reality. Next month we will continue our Free to the public monthly potluck on Sunday, Feb. 15, at Turtle Lodge Event Venue, located directly across from the Vintage Courthouse downtown Cassopolis. Starts at 3, eat at 4, followed by karaoke and fun. Please bring your dreams as well as a dish to pass.

Also sharing this opportunity via Discover Cass County: We want everyone in Cass County to know about our 2015 Facebook Winter Photo Contest. Please post your favorite and very best pictures before Feb. 28 to win one of three $50 prizes. Categories are 1) outdoor recreation, 2) people at work, 3) performing art and entertainment. All pictures must be taken in Cass County, Michigan. Fans can post and vote unlimited photos for the duration of the contest, however, photos must be approved by moderator before they show up. Find out more at and be sure to sign up for the latest newsletter.


CeeCee Wilson is an organizer for Cass Can Community and writer/photographer of Quirky Bella.