Time to audition for the Lake Michigan Youth Orchestra

Published 4:10 pm Thursday, January 15, 2015

BENTON HARBOR, Mich. — The Lake Michigan Youth Orchestra (LMYO) is hosting spring auditions for new members. As one of several programs of the Southwest Michigan Symphony Orchestra, LMYO provides an orchestral experience for talented young musicians in southwest Michigan. This outstanding musical experience is open to students between elementary school level and college seniors.  New member auditions will be from 6 – 9 p.m. Feb. 9 at Upton Middle School.


 2014-2015 AUDITIONS

When: Feb. 9, 6 to 9 p.m.

Where: Upton Middle School, 800 Maiden Lane, St. Joseph, MI 49085

Openings all sections

To schedule an audition appointment call the SMSO Office

Monday – Friday. 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 269-982-4030



Auditions for all three of the Lake Michigan Youth Orchestras are held at the beginning of each session. Auditions last approximately 10 minutes and are performed without accompaniment.  Students interested in auditioning should call the SMSO office at 982-4030 to make an appointment.  All applicants will be notified of audition results immediately or by email.



Youth Symphony — Students will be asked to play a piece of their choice from the standard repertoire for their instrument which demonstrates their present level of accomplishment, to play scales as required of MSBOA Proficiency I (available on the SMSO Website), and to sight read.  Auditions are required of all new members.  Returning Youth Symphony members may be asked to re-audition in the fall or spring as to establish correct seating placements.

Concert Strings/Encore Strings — Elementary and middle school students who wish to be considered for the concert strings and/or encore strings orchestras will be asked to prepare a very short informal audition to determine the best placement of these students in the appropriate group.  Students will be asked to play a short piece of their choice and a scale representing their present level of technique and range.



Rehearsals: The LMYO rehearses once a week on Monday nights at Upton Middle School. The concert and encore strings orchestras rehearse from 6 – 7:30 pm, and the youth symphony rehearses from 6 – 8:30 p.m.

Concerts: A spring concert at the Howard Performing Arts Center and the side-by-side concert with the Southwest Michigan Symphony at Lake Michigan College.