Beware of flooded roads

Published 6:10 pm Sunday, March 23, 2014

Now that the spring thaw has begun travelers should be aware of the possibility of local road flooding conditions. Warmer temperatures bring melting snow and rain, and while snow banks still exist along side the roadways they act as dams, holding water close to the road, and in some cases forcing water across the road. In other areas water from saturated field’s spills over onto the road system leaving areas of the road covered with water.

These conditions create unsafe driving conditions, especially at night when they may be very difficult to see. If you are aware of such a location please contact the Road Commission so we can determine if additional safety signs are necessary.

Please be aware that when water is held on the road it is also possible that the road is damaged beneath the water, potholes are common in these conditions and can cause serious car damage and injury if hit at high speeds. The Road Commission suggests you leave early and take your time driving so you arrive at your destination safely.

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