First 100 people Saturday gain enrollment to Niles New Tech

Published 8:52 am Friday, February 28, 2014

The first 100 people to show up at Niles New Tech Entrepreneurial Academy on Saturday will gain automatic admission to the project based learning school.

Jerry Holtgren, Niles New Tech director, said people could begin lining up at the entrance to New Tech as early as 7 a.m. Registration officially begins at noon.

“Before 7 a.m. we don’t authorize a line or validate it,” he said. “I wouldn’t recommend people lining up much earlier than 7 o’clock.”

Doors will open at 7 a.m. and numbered wristbands will be handed out to people in line.

Those not among the first 100 people in line will still have an opportunity to enroll through a stratified lottery system. New Tech is also allowing guaranteed entrance to immediate family members of those already enrolled in New Tech. Holtgren said these “legacy” students do not have to stand in line.

A total of 135 new students are expected to enroll for next year, bringing New Tech’s total enrollment to 443.

New Tech will be in its fourth school year for 2014-2015, meaning, for the first time, the school will have freshman through senior students in its halls.

“It has come full circle, so we are very excited,” Holtgren said. “It will be nice to say the creation of this school, at least from the ground up, is done. It is pretty special for us to have four years. I am also excited to see how, from the beginning to the end, these learners have grown.”

New Tech has held similar first-come, first-serve registrations in the past. However, this year officials moved back the registration time to later in the day.

“Weather was a big factor for the decision,” Holtgren said. “Standing out in the cold isn’t fun and we wanted to make it as user-friendly as possible.”

Holtgren estimates that about 150 people showed up to last year’s registration day.

A complete list of rules about the New Tech admissions process can be found online at

Questions can also be directed to Holtrgen by phone at (269) 683-6031 or email at