Letter: Obamacare must be repealed

Published 9:06 am Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dear Editor:

“Outrageous!” There lies the accurate description of the Obama Administration’s newly proposed rule, 5 U.S.C. 8901(6), via the Office of Personal Management, that effectively allows members of Congress, along with their staff, to purchase health insurance at reduced cost within the new Obamacare exchanges. This is accomplished by using the tax-free subsidy, i.e., our tax dollars, already received by members of Congress under their current coverage in the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP).

Research conducted by the Heritage Foundation shows why the Obama administration lacks statutory authority to pay for plans outside FEHBP.

Nevertheless, the law is pliable as putty in the hands of the Obama administration and his ruling class minions. Meanwhile, for those of us outside the royal beltway, the law isn’t so pliable. I’m a retired firefighter and my pension health care coverage may soon be dropped thanks to years of employer mismanagement and the upcoming costs of Obamacare.

Furthermore, without significant reform, programs like Medicare won’t be around much longer. Many people within this publishing area are dealing with similar problems.
Obamacare is enormous in scope, overly complex, utterly unworkable and it’s not even fully implemented. The Affordable Care Act must be defunded then repealed.

James A. Slager