Rev. Dan Puckett: How big is your faith in God?

Published 4:13 pm Wednesday, June 12, 2013

By Rev. Dan Puckett, Life Action Ministries

The children’s Sunday school song declares, “My God is so big!” But how big and powerful is our God and how much faith do we have in his ability to demonstrate himself in our lives?
In the New Testament book of Hebrews, in the great “hall of faith” chapter, there is mention of the Old Testament character Moses. Verse 23, of chapter 11, says, “By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king’s command.”
Moses was hidden because his parents, along with the entire nation of Israel, were enslaved by Egypt. The Israelites did not intermarry with Egyptians, so as a race they were not assimilated but stayed pure racially, and increased in numbers because God was blessing them with children. The Israelites were becoming so great in number that the Egyptian authorities feared that Egypt would be overrun (Exodus 1:9-14). Therefore, Egypt declared that the male babies were to be killed (Exodus 1:15-16).
The parents of Moses did not hesitate to procreate, and Moses was born. Moses’ parents were slaves and obviously under close scrutiny by the government. They did not bow to an unjust law, but held to a higher law and determined to honor the Living God of Heaven.
Moses was hidden for three months. That was no small task since babies cry, and there are other evidences that they are around. Moses’ parents did not even fear being turned in by their neighbors who might have been seeking favor from the government. Then, for some reason, the risk of hiding Moses became so great that to preserve him alive, his parents had to take even more drastic measures. They made a basket, put him in it and placed the basket in the crocodile-infested Nile River. Moses survived and was found by none other than the king’s daughter. He was then taken to the palace and was literally nursed by his own mother whom the princess hired (Exodus 2:2-10).
The parents of Moses served a big God and they had great faith. They persevered under difficult circumstances and saw God preserve their son. Their God still lives and rules today!