Sister Lakes measures up with friends

Published 7:03 pm Tuesday, May 7, 2013

      In Melissa Teed’s second-grade class, students have been working with Emmanuel Eagleson, a student teacher from Central Michigan University, to learn about measurement with standard and nonstandard units. 


After students had an opportunity to share their writing of nonfiction animal books with some kindergarten classes, second-graders got a chance to lead kindergarteners in a chalk measuring activity.


Second-graders traced the outline of the kindergarteners with chalk on the sidewalk, measuring and recording the length and width of different parts of the chalk outline and body parts. 


Kindergarteners were ecstatic to work with their second-grade friends; the second-graders felt empowered to lead the kindergarteners as they learned alongside them about different units of measurement. 


“Students felt this was a cool way to engage with others and have a chance to work with other classrooms as they learned about measurement.  The students seemed to be very excited and had fun with this,” Eagleson said.