Letter to the editor: Politicians lack common sense

Published 9:05 am Thursday, April 25, 2013

To the editor:

I would like to express my frustration with our politicians that we have elected to represent our nation.
After the bombing in Boston, the president said, “Today we are not Democrat or Republican, we are Americans.”
Well, Mr. President, we should be Americans everyday and never labeled as anything different.
Maybe, just maybe we could pass one piece of legislation that makes common sense. Recently, a decision can’t even be made on any gun control measures after the overwhelming support from the nation approving of something being done. If we can’t make a decision on this, then I know our economy issues will never change.
The people of the nation scream what they want decisions on, and it falls on deaf ears. Can we please stop the political rhetoric and actually do something? It is no wonder our nation is broken with the leadership we have to follow.
It seems that we get what we deserve. No intelligent, common-sense thinking person will enter the world of politics and that leaves the door open for the ones we have.

Tom Spain