Vote ‘yes’ for Proposal 3

Published 9:50 pm Wednesday, October 10, 2012

To the editor:

I’ve been reading up on Proposal 3, the ballot initiative requiring 25 percent of Michigan’s electricity come from renewables such as wind and solar by 2025.

Prop 3 could keep as much as $2 billion from leaving

Michigan to import coal, according to a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

From 2002-2010, Michigan utilities sent nearly $10.4 billion out of state to import coal.

DTE spent $5.4 billion on out-of-state coal and Consumers Energy $3.2 billion.

On Nov. 6, I plan to vote YES on Prop 3 so more of my hard-earned energy dollars go to support homegrown clean energy projects that benefit Michigan communities, and I urge my neighbors and your readers to do the same.

William Griffin
