Proposal 3 support doesn’t stand up to scrutiny

Published 9:47 pm Wednesday, October 10, 2012

To the editor:

I cannot believe Carol Higgins of Mendon is serious about encouraging a YES vote for renewable energy and locking us into a 25-year agreement.

Apparently she is not a member of Midwest Energy Cooperative. I belong to two different electric coops and both have warned several times that prices will increase with the new “ideas” of renewable energy.

There is probably not enough acreage in Michigan for all the wind tunnels needed to supply our energy.

What would “Pure Michigan” look like? Midwest Energy can show you statistics to verify these facts along with the failed solar results.

We are already making progress for a renewable target of 10 percent in 15 years. Much can happen in that length of time.

Since Mike O’Brien “has worked in the renewable energy industry,” perhaps he has a vested interest.

Please people, get some facts from someone knowledgeable before you vote on Proposal 3 and the four other proposals to change our constitution and one referendum.

Polly Judd
