William Crandell: Keep our courts free

Published 11:00 pm Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Two of the most important elections this November will be for the Michigan State Supreme Court. The outcome of these races will be one of the deciding factors for the future of Michigan. If we are to be a state that will nurture the middle class, grow education, protect our fundamental rights and provide a fair voting environment then the people must gain control of the courts and not allow special interests to seize complete control over our government. There are three very good candidates who have been endorsed by the Democratic Party and have pledged to be fair, honest and uphold our constitution so that all of our citizens have equality in the eyes of the law.

Those candidates are Judge Connie Kelley, Judge Shelia Johnson and law professor Bridget Mary McCormack, and they are running against current Supreme Court justices Stephen Markman and Brian Zahra, both of whom are conservatives and have been endorsed by the Republican Party.

Both Markman and Zahra have a record of siding with insurance companies who have financially supported their campaigns and have voted in their favor on every insurance case that has gone before them. They have also received large campaign contributions from billionaire Matty Moroun just prior to ruling on his controversial Bridge Amendment Proposal that will be on the November ballot.

Clearly, they are placing corporate special interests above the needs of the people. In the words of Bridget McCormack, “members of the court must demonstrate unwavering integrity no matter how much pressure there is from special interests.” Michigan courts must be fair and above corrupting influence while serving the constitution and laws of our state.

The actions of these two justices demonstrate the ability for the courts to be bought. The Supreme Courts are the only protection Americans have against aggressive partisan politics that will violate our rights and hold those that are in power in check. We need our courts to remain uncorrupted if we are to remain a free society.

Cast your votes for Kelley, Johnson and McCormack and stand for fairness.