Joanie Gentry: Indecision 2012

Published 9:18 pm Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I am a fiddler. I fiddle with everything and change it to suit me. I’m a veritable black belt of customization, tweaking details of pretty much any choice I am faced with in life.

The seventh of eight children, I felt completely out of control of the tiniest details of my existence. Carried around on the hips of my elder siblings without any say in where I was going, forced to sit in a “beauty salon” chair for hours as my sisters gave me pretend perms and pedicures; all the while ordering me to “sit still.” Well, I’ve definitely got the control thing down now. When I can’t control the mix, I am thrown into paralyzing indecision.

This year’s presidential race has been torture. I am definitely not for the incumbent. The havoc Obama has wrought on our country is too severe, his disregard for our nation’s history and precepts too blatant. I don’t think he even likes America, and as president he should at least pretend to love it, don’t ya think? Nor am I a devotee of his opponent. Although with the addition of the vice presidential candidate I feel much more comfortable. Can’t I customize?

I can’t be the only one out there who feels this way. I must be just one of millions of voters who are underwhelmed with the choices and yet who refuse to take for granted the sacrifices so many Americans before us made by fighting (sometimes to the death) to secure the right to vote for all of us. So I hereby publicly acknowledge the existence of a new political party in this year of “Indecision 2012: The A.B.O. party.”

Anybody but Obama has got to be better. To waste our vote would be inexcusable. So, my fellow A.B.O. voters: “To the polls!”