William Crandell: Romney Hood

Published 9:48 pm Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I remember awhile back when presidential candidate Mitt Romney said that he wasn’t worried about the poor because they had a safety net.

He has proven the truth of that statement with his economic plan for America and it has become unmistakably clear that he truly cares very little for the impoverished and the middle class.

If elected, he will push for trickle down economic policies that will only worsen the lot of the underprivileged and do nothing to create jobs and improve our economy.

Romney’s tax reform plan will increase the tax burden on 18 million American families. The average family of four will now pay up to $2,000 more per year while the wealthiest 5 percent will receive an $87,000 tax cut.

This will shift what Romney refers to as an $86 billion tax burden away from high-income tax payers and place it squarely on the shoulders of the working poor. His jobs plan also strikes a blow at the working class and consists of eliminating 450,000 public sector jobs over 10 years and his plan will also cost the U.S. an estimated 360,000 jobs in 2013 alone and give corporations tax incentives to ship jobs overseas. The final result of his plan will mean 360 billion dollars in lost tax revenue that some experts are saying could trigger a deep recession.

After 10 years of the Bush tax cuts and trickle down economics these policies have failed to produce any jobs. Trickle down has proven to be a disastrous economic theory that Romney is stubbornly embracing. Personally I believe it is more about satisfying corporate America and the Tea Party than in doing what is best for our country. He is shamelessly seeking to gain the support and votes of a minority in the GOP who are using what constitutes bully tactics to keep from paying taxes. Is this sort of pandering what America needs in a president? Or do we deserve a president that will do the right thing for everyone?

In these tough economic times, we don’t need pandering; we need courage.