Police count on millage Tuesday

Published 10:08 pm Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ontwa Township Edwardsburg Police Department counts on Tuesday passage of an additional mill for its very existence.
Police Chief Kenneth Wray said Monday that without additional financial support, “We might not be able to keep going” with 24/7 coverage.
“We may even have to shut down,” he said.
Wray said there are five officers on the road, plus himself and Assistant Chief Marty Pace, but one of those is primarily a school resource position.
A request for additional support besides two mills expiring this fall was turned down three years ago, Wray said, “and we’ve struggled since” to be pro-active while crime violence and severity increase.
More assaults, home invasions and property crime cost the public more than three years ago, Wray said.
The department already lost one officer and its office support position.
Two vehicles have logged more than 130,000 miles and fuel costs increased.