Tyler introduces legislation to exempt vulnerable individuals from welfare limit

Published 11:36 pm Thursday, March 10, 2011

House Republicans introduced Thursday sweeping legislation to reform the state’s welfare system by limiting assistance to 48 months for able-bodied adults, allowing for drug testing in certain cases and ensuring illegal immigrants don’t receive benefits.

House Bills 4409-10, introduced by state Reps. Ken Horn and Sharon Tyler, exempts senior citizens, pregnant mothers, domestic violence victims, adults who are physically or mentally incapacitated and adults with a disabled child at home from the time limit.

“Welfare plays an important role in our society as a way to help people get back on their feet during a time of temporary crisis, not to create a lifetime of dependency,” said Horn, R-Frankenmuth. “The plan is focused on empowering chronic welfare recipients to find work while still protecting those who are most vulnerable.”

Michigan is the only state in the region that has not enacted lifetime limits for welfare assistance.  Indiana has a two-year limit, Ohio a three-year limit and Illinois a five-year limit. President Bill Clinton enacted a federal lifetime limit on welfare assistance in 1996.

The legislation does not affect the state’s food stamp program. Residents would still be able to use food stamps for longer than 48 months.

“Our goal is to give people a helping hand until they can get back on their feet,” said Tyler, R-Niles. “These limits continue this important service, while the exemptions ensure people who temporarily cannot work, or who might require permanent need, will still receive it.”

The legislation also requires the state to test recipients for substance abuse if a reasonable suspicion of abuse exists, and to inform a recipient of the 48-month time limits and that benefits cannot be used to gamble, or buy tobacco or alcohol.

“Drug testing will ultimately help people overcome their addictions so they can support themselves and their family,” Horn said. “Welfare recipients also need to know that their assistance can’t be used for alcohol or cigarettes instead of food for their children.”

The plan also requires the department to verify the residency status of each non-U.S. citizen applicant, and incorporates a “three strikes and you’re out” disciplinary program where recipients could be permanently banned from cash assistance after three offenses.

“Welfare is a vital service for helping people who are at their lowest point,” Tyler said. “This legislation will limit how the money is used in order to protect those who need it most.”